As far as the personality quizzes that we did today I found that the one that was most correct about my life was the colour quiz.  This quiz really nailed some key points about myself and to be quite honest its kinda scary.  I mean you pick a bunch of random colours and then it tells you something exactly about yourself.  For me the other quizzes weren't very accurate for me.  Let me know what you guys thought about the quizzes.  Did  you find one to be more accurate about yourself then others.  I liked the exercise, I thought it was very fun and interesting.  
3/19/2013 11:04:33 pm

I'm glad that you found at least one personality test accurate. When I did the personality tests, I found that not all tests are accurate, but it was fun to see how close the tests were. However, I wish you explained it a bit more with thorough detail.

3/24/2013 03:39:53 pm

That's strange, as I found the colour quiz to be the least accurate reflection of myself. None of them were particularly good, in my opinion, but some had the right overall idea. It was a fairly fun activity, though.


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