If you haven't noticed already I decided to change my theme of my blog.  The theme I chose is cars.  Now why cars?  Well I've been interested in cars ever since I was a little kid.  I used to love playing with hot wheels and it just interested me in how they work and operate.  When I'm older I hope to pursue a career path that has cars involved, as of right now I am working towards being a mechanic.  If any of you are interested in cars or want to learn a thing or two I will be posting information as well as instructions on how to change tires and do an oil change yourself.  Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or problems with your car, I
Brittany Wilson
5/3/2013 12:37:35 am

I like the new idea for your blog , and I also know quite a few people who have the same interests like my uncle for an example who fixes vehicles for a living or even my five year old brother who also loves toy cars and figuring out how each part works

Steph M
5/4/2013 10:07:19 am

I like your choice of theme. I've always thought about getting a mustang gt. Maybe you could write a review ?

Steph L.
5/5/2013 11:30:17 am

I like your new theme! Both my parents work in the car industry, so I hear them talk about cars often. Good luck working towards being a mechanic, it's a great career path for someone who's interested in cars.

5/9/2013 01:23:55 pm

I like your new look! I don't know a lot about cars myself, but like you I was fascinated with Hot Wheels as a kid. I had barbies, but I used my Hot Wheels so much more! I'd actually be interested in learning a bit more about how cars work, especially since I'll be driving soon... I can't wait for you to post some helpful instructions, I might be able to use them!

I also think it's great that you want to pursue a career in this field since it's obviously something you're passionate about. Best of luck!

Great blog, by the way!

Shoshannah (JHSS)
5/16/2013 10:42:07 pm

It's cool how you know where you want to go in life, and how you use that to write blogs on things you find interesting.


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