As far as i'm concerned I feel that our education system is falling behind in our worlds technology.  To be more specific in classes such as english and even most of our tech courses i feel that there is too much pencil and paper work.  Now don't get me wrong, I think that it is very important to have writing skills.  However most of the work that students are handing in these days was done on a computer.  For example things like essays, projects, letters etc... most of these things are being handed in typed up our portrayed  as a power point or other type of technology.  I think that each student should be assigned a laptop and that would be there "binder".  More classes should be like the Futures Forum although the class isn't much to do with the future its mostly just incorporating todays technology into education.  More classes should be like this, I find school way more fun and unique rather than just sitting down and writing with a pencil.  Also if this were to happen in the future textbook companies could make apps instead of having to carry around a heavy textbook you would just have the app on your laptop. 
Thomas Dagenais
2/28/2013 10:18:31 pm

I agree and I think a lot a people are coming the this conclusion these days but I don't think it going happen very soon.

2/28/2013 10:25:29 pm

Very true the school system seems to really want to fight progression

2/28/2013 10:26:40 pm

Our education systems are still very similar to what they were when they were introduced back over 100 years. Up until then most education was provided by tutors teaching individual students. So we seem to be stuck in the past.

2/28/2013 10:29:49 pm

I completely agree, and the laptops are a great idea. They would be so much more useful to students.


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